Youtube Agreement Changes
The company outlined what types of channels will be affected by the new rules. « While these changes will affect a significant number of channels, 99 percent of those affected earned less than $100 a year last year, with 90 percent earning less than $2.50 last month. Any channel linked to a channel that no longer reaches this threshold will receive what it has already earned based on our AdSense policies. We will notify you in writing if we make any changes that may affect you. If you do not agree to the amended terms, you may stop using the relevant feature or terminate your agreement with us. Taking another person`s content, making minimal changes, and calling it your own original work would be a violation of this policy. This policy applies even if you have permission from the original creator. Reused content is separate from YouTube`s copyright enforcement, which means it is not based on copyright, permission, or fair dealing. This policy means that sometimes you won`t get any claims against your content, but your channel may still violate our reused content policies. We have not made any changes to the way we process your data. You can learn more about our privacy practices by reading YouTube Kids` Privacy Policy and Privacy Policy. As a reminder, you can check your privacy settings at any time and manage your data and personalization by visiting your Google Account. While this may be true, the many changes implemented over the past year have made it much harder for new creators to succeed on YouTube (when success means making money).
The new threshold of 1,000 subscribers/4,000 hours of viewing will be difficult to reach for those who have just launched a channel, especially with the mystery of YouTube`s algorithm, which dictates which videos are pushed in front of users` eyes. Changes made by this update to the Terms of Service will not affect the monetization settings of your YouTube Affiliate Program (YPP). For YPP creators in the U.S., the revenue Google pays you will be considered a license payment from a U.S. tax perspective as of November 18, 2020. We will be making similar changes for creators outside the U.S. in 2021. YouTubers outside the U.S. will be asked to provide U.S. tax information in AdSense in early 2021 to determine if U.S. withholding taxes apply to their payments. Companies update their terms of service at any time – this is YouTube`s third change in 2019. These latest updates appear to be consistent with the upcoming changes YouTube will make to YouTube in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission`s new guidelines, although a YouTube representative denies that these changes were made as a result of the FTC`s decision.
YouTube is constantly changing and improving the service and adapting to the world around us. We may need to make changes to the terms and conditions or rules that apply to your use of the Service, including the YouTube Partner Program Terms and Conditions, our Policies, and other contractual documents, to reflect changes to our Service or for legal, regulatory, or security reasons. In particular, many updates focus on who uses the platform and child protection. In September, the Federal Trade Commission fined Google $170 million for alleged violations of the Children`s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). YouTube has also agreed to make changes to further protect children`s privacy and comply with the law. These are changes that will take effect as a result of an update to YouTube`s Terms of Service. Other changes just seem to give YouTube more power. One of the most controversial clauses you`ve tweeted about since YouTube informed people of upcoming changes is termination.
Various creators tweeted a segment of the Terms of Service that states, « YouTube may terminate your access or your Google Account access to all or part of the Service if YouTube, in its sole discretion, believes that providing the Service to you is no longer economically viable. » Some creators have read this to mean that YouTube can simply cancel channels and accounts if they don`t generate revenue. .