Root-Takahira Agreement Apush Quizlet
President Roosevelt stepped in and convinced Californians to lift segregation. The Japanese agreed to stop the influx of immigrants into the United States. This agreement was known as the gentlemen`s agreement. Japan went to war with Russia in 1904, after Russia had not withdrawn its troops from Manchuria and Korea. Roosevelt negotiated a peace agreement in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, in 1905. The Japanese received no compensation for their losses and the southern half of Sakhalin. In 1908, the Root Takahira Agreement with Japan was concluded. The United States and Japan have pledged to respect each other`s territorial possessions. McKinley eventually decided to Christianize all Filipinos. Since Manila was conquered the day after the war, America agreed to pay Spain $20 million for the Philippines.
Panamanians feared that the United States would choose the route of the Nicaragua Canal; Panama would lack a prosperity created by the construction of the canal. Thus, on November 3, 1903, panamanians successfully revolted against Colombian rule. The revolt was led by Bunau-Varilla. In 1893, the Americans managed to overthrow the queen. However, most Hawaiians did not want to be annexed, so President Grover Cleveland decided to delay the annexation of Hawaii. Britain blamed itself for other potential wars in Europe, so they decided to avoid another war and reconcile with the United States. The great rapprochement or reconciliation between the United States and Britain has become a cornerstone of the foreign policy of both nations. Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan`s 1890 book, The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783, argued that control of the sea was the key to world domination; It stimulated the maritime route among the great powers. With the victory in the Philippines, Hawaii was thought to be a supply base for Dewey. That is why, on July 7, 1898, Congress passed a joint congressional resolution to annex Hawaii. President McKinley was the Republican candidate in the 1900 election because he had led the country through war, acquired wealthy real estate, set the gold standard, and brought prosperity to the nation. McKinley and the Republican Party supported the gold standard and imperialism.
Supreme Court rulings in the Island Cases have stated that the Constitution does not extend to the Philippines and Puerto Rico. Several Latin American countries were indebted to European countries. Roosevelt feared that this would allow for future European engagement in Latin America, so he created a policy known as “preventive intervention.” The Roosevelt episode of the Monroe Doctrine explained that the United States could repay the debt of Latin American counties to drive European nations away from Latin America. The first New England missionaries arrived in Hawaii in 1820. Roosevelt felt that the president should lead courageously. He had no real respect for the system of mutual control between the three branches of government. He felt that he could take all measures in the general interest of the public that are not expressly prohibited by the Constitution. German ships threatened to attack Dewey`s ships in the port of Manila (claiming they wanted to protect German nationals).
After several incidents, the risk of conflict with Germany has reversed. Spaniards and Americans met in Paris in 1898 to discuss the conditions for the end of the war. The Americans secured Guam and Puerto Rico, but the Philippines posed a problem for President McKinley: he didn`t want to return the island to the Spaniards, but he also didn`t want to leave the island in a state of disorder. . . .